Lead Agency: Fitzco
Everyone remembers when Coca-Cola started its “Share a Coke” campaign in 2011. But in 2017, the brand took the campaign one step further.
Coke released over 1,000 songs to go along with every name highlighted on Coke bottles. These songs didn't just highlight common names, but names you can’t even find on keychains.
No matter the name, Coca-Cola would find a way to turn it into a fun song that you could listen to on Coke’s website.
Some of these songs were released on radio ad spots, shocking listeners when they hear their name during ad breaks. Select stations even played hours of these songs for free on-air programming.

For those who could not find their name when searching it, Coca-Cola would write a song for them on the spot. They also wrote songs for last names to celebrate various families such as the Martinez families.

Coke made sure to include every possible name, including names with various spellings like Megan versus Meghan. This campaign perfectly included as many people as possible, reaching various demographics.
Some celebrities also partnered with Coca-Cola, spreading the campaign even further.
The songwriting was no small task, taking over 2,625 hours of songwriting, 45 musicians, and 625 hours recording songs, resulting in 1000+ unique songs.
This campaign was obviously successful, increasing site traffic by 177% and increasing personalized bottle sales by 264%.
Does Coca-Cola have another trick up their sleeve to incorporate something new into their “Share a Coke'' campaign in the future? I guess we will have to wait and see!